availability of instructional materials for the teaching of technical education in tertiary institutions in esan west pdf


This research work was undertaken to extensively examine the availability of instructional materials for the teaching of technical education in tertiary institutions in Esan West. Four research questions were raised to guide the study. Literature was reviewed on the related subheadings based on the variables of study. The descriptive design was adopted. The data was collected through the use of questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed by the use of percentage. The findings revealed that; there are no adequate instructional materials in school, students that are aware of the availability of instructional materials are more than those that are not aware and lack of use of instructional materials affect student’s performance in technical education. Therefore, it was  recommendation that the government should make available instructional materials to make teaching and learning more effective and teachers should as much as possible utilize the available teaching aids.

Title Pages                                                                                                       i          
Certification                                                                                                    iii
Dedication                                                                                                      iv
Acknowledgment                                                                                           v
Abstract                                                                                                          vi
Table of Content                                                                                            
Background to the Study                                                                  1
Statement of the Problem                                                                  4
Purpose of the study                                                                5
Research Questions                                                                 6
Significance of the Study                                                                  7
Scope of the Study                                                                            8
Definition of the Term                                                             8
Instructional Materials                                                            10
Availability of Teaching Aids                                                  11
Types of Instruction Materials                                                          12
Provision of Instructional Materials                                        17
Assessment of Teaching Aids on Students’ Performance
 in Technical Education                                                 18
Inadequacy of Teaching Aids                                                  19
Teaching Technical Education in Tertiary Institution              20
Pre-Vocationalism                                                                            22
Role of the Teacher in the Use of Teaching Aids                     23
Meaning of Instructional Materials                                         24
Assessment of Availability of Instructional Material
in Technical Education                                                  26
The Influence of Availability of Instructional Materials          28
Assessment/Relevance of Instructional Materials                    30
Summary of Literature Review                                                         32
Design of the Study                                                                 35
Population of the Study                                                                    35
Sample/Sampling Technique                                                   36
Instrumentation of the Study                                                  37
Validity of the Study                                                               37
Reliability of the Instrument                                                    37
Method of Data Collection                                                      38
Method of Data Analysis                                                                  38
Discussion of Findings                                                            42
Conclusion                                                                              44
Recommendations                                                                             45
References                                                                               47
Questionnaire                                                          49

Background to the Study
Technical education is a pre-vocational subject. It is a comprehensive and practical subject that prepares students for a variety of occupations in building technology, mechanical technology and Electrical technology with sub occupations such as block laying in building technology, auto mechanics in mechanical technology, electrical installation in electrical technology etc. This subject adequately prepares future technicians, builders, craftsmen etc with the ability to adapt to industrial and technological changes.
According to Roberts (1957), technical education is an instruction which is planned for the purpose of developing basic manipulative skills, safely judgment, technical knowledge and related occupational information for the purpose of fitting young persons for employment in industrial occupations and of upgrading and retaining workers employed in the industries.
The objectives of technical education are to give training and impact the necessary skills leading to the production of craftsmen, technicians and other skilled personal who will be enterprising and self relief.
A close examination of the performance of tertiary institution students in technical education over the years revealed that it has not been encouraging. This poor performance could have far reaching effects on the future career choice of the students as they would be denied the opportunity for optimal development of their potential. Though, many students who do not attain high are diverted from their career of interest of choice. If performances in technical education continue to be poor as it is now, Nigeria may never attain her goal of developing “modern technology” using her own human resources and many have to continue to depend on man power from other countries.
In tertiary institution, teaching and learning are two major independent variable, that make education meaningful on the part of teachers and learners. This process needs efficiency and effectiveness in the classroom management and in the entire subject curriculum that makes education progressive in all institution of learning. It should be noted that teaching is not only concerned with behavioural changes in a formal sense, teaching helps pupils/students to acquire problem solving skills and ability to think for themselves. It helps them to learn and know how and where to obtain needed information. The work of a teacher is that of designing the learning environment in such a way that the student is restless until he has satisfied his curiosity by the teacher. In making facilities made available to him by classroom situation, the teacher and students have to make adequate use of teaching aids.
Teaching aids on instructional materials refer to materials and other facilities that can be used to facilitate teaching and learning and their availability has great impact. The effects of teaching aids on technical education cannot be over-emphasized. When they are properly combined and approximately used, they aid the teacher to be more efficient and effective and enable the learner to learn faster and better. Without the use of teaching aids, learning will remain abstract in the mind of the learners. Nicholas (2000) asserts that in this age, education has become widespread and exclusive and teaching is the key to success.
Also, teaching aids make lesson time to life which eventually results in high pupil participation by arousing the student’s interest thereby increasing the degree of student’s attentiveness during lessons in classroom. Teaching aids lead to better performance of students in all subjects and lack of these materials would make teaching difficult for the teacher to teach and for the students to acquire knowledge (Omo-Ojugo and Oriahi 2006). Hence, the availability of these materials is a sine quanone in the achievement of educational objectives. In order for the objectives to be met, instructional materials which make learning process easy for learners must be available sufficiently enough for the teaching of technical education.
Statement of the Problem
For a very long period of teaching and learning of technical education, using all the necessary materials available, students have not been excelling. In spite of the long time, education have recorded that performance in technical education has not been encouraging knowing the efficacy of instructional materials in teaching and learning subjects in tertiary institutions.
The major aims of teaching technical education in Nigeria is to develop vocational competencies among youths so that they can explore the world of works and make intelligent career choice. The teaching and learning of the subject (technical education) should be both theoretical and practical (NPE 2004). As a skill oriented subject, whose aim is to expose the learners to the basic rudiment of technology, it is therefore very necessary for the subject to be taught with equipments (instructional materials). As a result, one wants to examine if actually there are instructional materials for the teaching of technical education in tertiary institutions in Esan West.
Purpose of the study
The essence of this research work is to indentify the various challenges associated with the availability of instructional materials in the teaching of technical education in tertiary institutions in Esan West Local Government Area. More also, it is geared towards finding remedy (via recommendations) to the identified challenges. Summarily, the purpose of this research work is
1.                 To determine whether there are teachings aids available in the teaching and learning of technical education in tertiary institutions.
2.                 To determine whether students of technical education are aware of the availability of teaching aids in their field.
3.                 To determine whether the use of instructional materials (teaching aids) facilitate the teaching and learning of technical education.
4.                 To determine whether there are adequately trained teachers to utilize these teaching aids.
Research Questions
1.                 Are instructional materials available to teach technical education in tertiary institution in Esan West?
2.                 Are students aware of the availability of these instructional materials in their school?
3.                 Does the use of instructional materials in teaching affect students’ performance in technical education?
4.                 Are there adequate trained lecturers to use the instructional materials?
Significance of the Study
This research work is significant to all stakeholders in the teaching profession and to individual writing to advance their knowledge based. The teacher will benefit a lot from this work in that he/she will be exposed to the relevance of instructional materials needed to ensure his/her professional competence in the teaching learning process. Also, this study throws more light on how those instructional materials are to be used by teachers. This work is of great relevance to the government in that it will enable the government to know the inadequacy of instructional materials in the tertiary institution and identify some of the short coming in the area of (uneven) distribution of instructional materials. It will also enable the government to adequately make provision for instructional materials in tertiary institution.
Scope of the Study
The research work is limited to tertiary institutions in Esan West Local Government Area specifically Ambrose Alli University (AAU) Ekpoma and Samuel Adegboyega University (SAU) Ogwa.
Definition of the Term
Pre-vocational Subject: This refers to an instruction (subject) given in preparation for vocation school.
Technical Education: This is an education that prepares people to do a specific job like electrical installation.
Instructional Materials: These are tools used in educational lessons by teachers to facilitate understanding during teaching and learning processes.
Educational Technology: This refers to the implementation of appropriate tools or process that facilitates the application of cognition to enhance teaching practices and improve learning outcomes.
The review of related literature for this research will focus primarily on the following sub-heading:
·        Instructional Materials
·        Availability of Teaching Aids
·        Types of Instructional Materials
·        Provision of Instructional Materials
·        Assessment of Teaching Aids on Students’ Performance in Technical Education
·        Inadequacy of Teaching Aids
·        Teaching Technical Education in Tertiary Instruction
·        Pre-Vocationalism
·        Role of the Teacher in the Use of teaching Aids
·        Meaning of Instructional Materials
·        Assessment of availability of instructional materials
·        Assessment of availability of instructional materials in technical education
·        The influence of availability of instructional materials
·        Assessment / relevance of instructional materials
·        Improvisation in teaching technical education
·        Summary of Literature Review
Instructional Materials
Eddie (2007) opined that instructional materials are those materials nearest to reality or experience vitalized to make teaching and learning more meaningful and effective.
Kochhar (2007) also opined that instructional materials are materials that are used to transmit to learners’ facts, skills, attitudes, knowledge, understanding and appreciation. It is used by teachers to explain concepts more clearly to students.
Instructional materials help students who may not be able to learn easily to grasp ideas during the lesson by looking at the materials. Technical education in school should be taught with instructional materials because they give a clear picture of what is been taught as the students can see things for themselves.
It is the duty of the technical education teacher to select instructional materials that are best suitable for his/her lesson. He/she should improvise instructional materials that will enhance students’ understanding because students have varying levels of abilities, talents and motivation.
Kochhar (2007) reported that the usefulness of instructional materials are to provide a change in the atmosphere of the classroom, provide students with the opportunity to handle and manipulate, supply the context for sound and skillful generalization, supply a concrete basis for conceptual change and reduce meaningless word responses from students, make learning more permanent and often a reality of experience which stimulate self activity on the part of the students.
Availability of Teaching Aids
In teaching technical education students, instructional materials can be grouped into three sections.
Audio: Dealing with any music, drums, radio, tape, recorder, projectors, DVD etc.
Visuals: This deals with things that can be seen e.g posters, charts, chalkboards, flannel graph, flashcards, puzzles, objects (real) projectors, cartoons, television computer CD, internet and so on.
Multi Sensory: This is where students learn through the five sense organs i.e hear, see, smell, taste and feel.
The teacher should ensure that a wide variety of instructional materials that are available are identified such as books (journals, magazines), still media (chalkboard, chart model), audio materials (radio, tape recorder), projectors (over head projector, micro projector), audio visual materials (television, video recorder) etc. These are of great importance to the effectiveness of teaching and learning process.
Types of Instruction Materials
There are many types of instructional materials educators use to facilitate teaching and learning of technical education. So many attempts have been made to classify thee instructional materials but on this research work, instructional materials shall be discussed under the following classifications
i.                   Audio aids
ii.                 Visual aids
iii.              Audio-Visual aids
i.        Audio Aids
Audio aids are materials that appeal to the sense of hearing during teaching and learning process. Example includes Radio, Tape recorder, Record player, public address system, cassette etc. Tape recorder is an electronic medium in form of audio media which uses electricity and ordinary touch battery. Many of them have radio component and hence, school can purchase a sizeable one due to it’s affordability. Record player is used to record information and played for the students to learn. It is mostly used for the improvement of communication skills. Public address system is also an electronic medium that help to complement the teachers’ voice so that he or she could be heard well when teaching in a large class.
ii.       Visual Aids
These are teaching aids that appeal to the sense of seeing. they are teaching aids that are capable of transmitting or carrying information to the learners who are not visually impaired. A subject like technical education cannot be taught effectively without the use of visual aids; this is because visual aids apart from being illustrative, they also make the subject real, interesting and imaginative. Examples of visual aids includes chalkboard, flannel board, textbooks, pictures, charts, projected materials, drawing boards etc.
Chalkboard: This is one of the oldest and most commonly used teaching aid in Nigeria and other countries in the world. It is readily available in almost all the schools due to its simplicity. It is a quick means of putting down words, drawings, diagrams etc during the teaching learning process. It is very advantageous in the sense that things writer or sketched on it can easily be erased and new ones added to meet the changing requirement by teachers and students. The types of chalkboard are: Movable chalkboard, well chalkboard and pull system. According to Iseguan et al, (1999) the chalkboards are used for lesson element that develop from simple to concrete ideas.
Flannel board: This is a form of visual display device made by covering up a piece of hard surface such as plywood with flannel. According to Iseguan et al (1999) flannel board is also known as flannel graph, adhesive or rough.
iii.      Audio-Visual Aids
These are teaching aids which appeal to the senses of sight and hearing at the same time. They are complex and expensive objects which include television, video recorder, overhead projector, visual library, computer motion pictures, films among others as some are discussed blow.
Television: This is a multimedia learning resource which also use along side video tape and video cassette recorder. One good value of the television is that teachers and students can come in contact with expert in the field and also see as well as hear what the teacher (expert) intend to pas across to them. The teacher tried to create a conducive environment for the students and also encourages them to watch and not to copy notes. After the television viewing lesson, the teacher should initiate a follow up activity in form of a discussion class.
Computer: According to Belingram (2003) a computer is any electronic device which process information supplied to it and store such information for future use. It can be used to teach a large number of students and its main advantage is it’s ability to provide individualized instruction.
Visual Library: It is often referred to as digital library and is relatively new being less than a decade old. It is a  computerized library system that provides multi process access to the entire collection of library by means of electronic media. It is capable of harnessing interest and digital technology as infrastructure to search whether it is text, image or sound. Igbineweka (2007) stressed further that virtual is a child of necessity arising from one need to use technologies in accessing the world information explosion for human survival and development. It is the information that gives one power i.e information is power.
Overhead Projector: This is a hardware teaching aid that is operated with the aid of electricity. The information to be projected in overhead projector are stored in transparency on a screen with the aid of electrical process and it can be used to teach any concept in technical education and other subjects.
Provision of Instructional Materials
According to Ibeneme (2000), though the state government are aware of the importance of instructional materials in teaching, they cannot do much because of the high foreign exchange rate and poorly monitored economy in the country. Chite (1990) observed also that it is hard to get teaching aids because the foreign exchange rates have made the cost of the materials unaffordable. For instance, a dollar to a naira has risen in an alarming way from less than a N200 to almost N300. It is therefore imperative to look for other means of providing the needed teaching aids. Improvisation therefore becomes the option of coping with the demands of teaching/learning. In a  depressed economy, every individual is expected to be creative and resourceful in order to survive. Oxford (2000) defines improvisation as using whatever is available because one does not have what is really needed. Ibeneme  sees it as using alternative materials and resources to facilitate learning whenever there is lack or shortage of some first hand teaching aids. Eze (1995) refers to it as a substitute for the ready-made or imported materials.
Okeke (2000) urged teachers to produce their own aids in order to teach effectively. Every body can be involved in the production of these alternatives the teachers, learners, parents and all stakeholders in education. The locally made are usually tailored to meet the local challenges at every cheap or cost at all. According to Agankona (2002), the involvement of teachers and learners in providing materials gives student and teacher the opportunity to concretize their creativity, resourcefulness and imaginative skills.
Assessment of Teaching Aids on Students’ Performance in Technical Education
Literature on students’ academic performance in technical education reveals that there are a lot of factors that affect students’ performance in technical education. Some of these factors are personal characteristics of students, environmental factors-the school and home. According to Ross and Eilen (2005), a number of funding revealed that academic failure are caused by factors related to the social family an d personal characteristics of the students performance in the school. However, these results have been negligible compared to the effect of teaching aids. Nicholls (2000) observes that teachers teaching with instructional materials have positive effect on the technical education performance of the students.
Inadequacy of Teaching Aids
Inadequate teaching aids are indeed a major problem in Nigeria. The perception of a situation of this nature as having the most effect on students’ performance especially in technical education and other pre-vocational subjects is responsible for the high rate of academic failure among students in technical education as supported by German (2004) who claims that difficulties expressed by failing students may be due to lack of material information for learning.
Okebukola (2000) posits that inadequate teaching facilities or aids strongly lead to lack of understanding in the teaching/learning process. So, German and Okebukola claims is consistent with their view in the statement that poor teaching aid (inadequacy) may cause emotional block to teaching/learning process.
Teaching Technical Education in Tertiary Institution
It is a known fact that the worth of education received at this very important stage or level determines the degree of the students education in the teaching of technical education, effort should be centered on methods, which emphasize life problem solving investigation and environment related issues.
German (2004) observed that modern research into these environment issues is very much on attempt to quantity rather than quality environment phenomena. This data set are scrutinized, analyzed, tested and presented in different forms which required mathematical techniques. Some are simple, some are sophisticated. These objects is always trying to collect the data for as much information as we can to interpret the messages and to support our arguments.
The broad goal of tertiary education is to prepare the individuals for useful living within and outside the society. The following are the goals of tertiary education initiatives.
i.                     Provide all primary school leavers with the opportunities for education of a higher level irrespective of the schools, social, religious or ethnic background.
ii.                     Provide trained manpower in the applied technology at subject-professional grades.
iii.                     Offer diversified curriculum to cater for the different talents, opportunities and future roles.
iv.                     Develop and promote Nigeria languages, art and culture in the context of world’s cultural heritage.
v.                     Inspire students with a desire for self improvement and achievement of excellence.
vi.                     Foster national unity with an emphasies on the communities.
vii.                     Rise generation of people who can think for themselves, respect the views and feelings of others, respect the dignity of labour, appreciate those valves specified under our broad national goals and live as good citizens.
viii.                     Provide technical knowledge and vocational skills necessary for agricultural, industrial, commercial and economic development (FRN 2004).
(FRN 2004) specified one of the objectives of tertiary institution in Nigeria as to “equip” students to live effectively in our modern age of science and technology. Pre-vocational subjects are offered at the tertiary level of education in Nigeria. Pre-vocational subjects include Basic Technology, Home Economics, Local crafts, Practical Agriculture, Business Studies, Computer Education, Fine Arts and Music. These subjects are foundation subjects in technology which seek to immerse students in technology through exploration. Pre-vocational subjects provide studies with a process of orientation in production and consumption through experience in planning, producing, testing, servicing and evaluating types of consumer and industrial goods (Uwameiye 2003). The exposure of the student to pre-vocational subjects enable them to develop a broader understanding of industrial process and help them to explore their individual interest and attitudes such as pride in productive work and respect for authority through such exposure  (Uwameiye and Onyedadume 2000). The philosophy of the pre-vocationalism presupposes that the product of the tertiary institutions should be equipped with the capacity to be familiar with the world of work career option and choices. Pre-vocational subjects are tremendously important to the economy of Nigeria as they help to lay a solid foundation for the training of future Technologist, Accountants, Managers and Entrepreneurs (Aluwong 2002).
Role of the Teacher in the Use of Teaching Aids
The teacher plays a very crucial and important role in the selection and use of teaching aids in the teaching of technical education. The importance of the teacher made Omo-Ojugo and Oriahi (2006) to state that “the concern of the teacher’s role should always be to think of ways of conveying his messages or information to the students in the most simple, convincing and practical way”. They believe that for teaching aids to be selected and used in an instructional situation, they have to be sophisticated or professional or if possible imported before they can be recognized as teaching aids.
Wright (2006) commenting on the necessity for the need of audiovisual aids in teaching emphasizes the facts that audiovisual aids help in the firm grasping of the meaning of a new item and also the ability to use such item in more productive way. However, Imogie (2002) posit that the success of the use of an audiovisual aid largely depend on the selection of the most appropriate available resources that have high probability of helping the pupil toward his or her learning objectives.
Meaning of Instructional Materials
Instructional materials are materials which are used in teaching learning process to make it more effective. They are often referred to as educational devices, media techniques or tools and educational technology.
Kochhar (2007) defined instructional material as any device that assists an instructor to transmit to learner’s facts, skills, attitude, knowledge and understanding. Opinions and finding of educationists, and writers show that they have different views on the utilization of instructional materials.
Akanbi (2006) opined that instructional materials are information carriers design specifically to fulfill objectives in teaching and learning situation. They are also known as teaching aids and are curriculum planners which include textbooks, mounted display posters, magazine, journals, charts, models etc.
According to Agun (2007), educational media (instructional materials) refers to all forms of information carriers. They are materials that can be used to record, store, preserve and transmit or retrieve information. They are essentially tools and devices through which information can be passed or obtained.
Dare (2004) maintained that instructional materials are any human effort, hardware, software, impressed materials etc used to satisfy the educational, needs of the learners. It is an instructional device, technique or resources brought into teaching and learning interaction to facilitate sharing of experience, knowledge, skills, attitudes and valves.
No matter the way instructional materials are looked or defined, it is important to note that it involves the use fo human efforts, appropriate choice, design and utilization of things or objects to ensure effective communication between educational agents (the instructors) and the learners.
There are various types of instructional materials available for teachers to utilize when teaching technical education. Some are commercially made while others can be improvised by the teachers.
Assessment of Availability of Instructional Material in Technical Education
Instructional materials make learning readily available for students. The realization of the above importance is subject to proper selection of the high instructional materials for teaching. Generally, the importance of instructional materials lies in their power to make topic under discussion real, hence a breakdown of this importance as suggested by Steve and Roderick (2002).
i.                   It enriches and enlivens teaching.
ii.                 It stimulates the students’ desire to learn.
iii.              It assists learning processes by making assimilation and memorization of materials easier and faster.
iv.              It helps to hold the attention o the students
v.                 It induces greater acquisition and longer retention of information.
vi.              It shows processes, events and objectives which may be inaccessible to many students.
vii.            It frees the teachers from excessive repetition of words so that his time and energy is profitable utilized.
In addition to these, Hazed (2003) maintained that instructional materials promote reality of experience which motivates self learning among learners and assist in proper interpretation of things. He held further that instructional materials provide the learners the opportunities of direct interaction with the realities of the environment, hence supply concrete basis for conceptual thinking and that they provide teacher with the tools to carry out diagnostic testing, research and remedial work.
The realization of the above importance is subject to proper selection of the right instructional materials for teaching. The instructional teacher is to decide such proper selection to ensure maximum outcome of learning.
The Influence of Availability of Instructional Materials
The instructional materials can make a good and conscious teacher to teach better. The influence of instructional materials is known to have the ability to awaken students’ interest and arouse their curiosity to learn more. Prevocational subjects are geared towards general education purposes (Uwameiye 2004). Therefore, to be able to achieve the objectives of technical education, the influence of availability of instructional materials would be put into serious consideration.
The unique nature of technical education makes it mandatory for instructional materials to be used exhaustively in the classroom to make the lesson clearer. When students are actively involved in the lesson, they assimilate easily what is being taught. Some educationist emphasizes doing as the most effective ways of learning. Hence the saying
“I hear and I forget”
“I see and I remember”
“I do and I understand”
This is why audio-visual teaching aids produce the best result when utilized in teaching technical education. The use of audio-visual teaching aids makes the students more alert and attentive. Students would like to follows explanations, procedures or exercise sequentially and faithfully so as to comprehend the whole learning episode, students do not only hear the voice of the teacher but also see the pictures. Knowledge of the capabilities of instructional materials facilitates an instructive decision on how best to match a particular kind of media with learners’ different psychological functions. Other influence of availability of instructional materials in the teaching of technical education in tertiary institutions is that it helps to individualize instruction.
According Ughamadu (2004) with the recent development in one field of instructional materials, each learner (whether slow or fast) can now proceed at his own pace and time programmed tests/instructions. John Wilson (2000) availability of instructional materials when he opined that as weapons are to the soldiers and policemen, so also are instructional materials to teachers and students.
Assessment/Relevance of Instructional Materials
Instructional materials play a very vital role in making the teaching of any subject more effective. Its absence in the teaching of a concept to students may lead to students’ negative attitude towards the subject and vice versa. Any  teacher who is concerned about his/her students in bound to yield to anything that is likely to help them to learn, and instructional materials must certainly do help. It is important to note that instructional materials are the vehicles which the teacher and the students use in exploring the unknown. While we gain by learning, more is got by seeing it. This means that when learners only hear the teachers voice in the classroom, there is bound to be an inability to the learner to remember all that has been taught, but when the learners are allowed to see the examples of what has been taught, they will be able to remember whenever they see the object (or similar one) anywhere.
Stressing the relevance of instructional materials in teaching and learning processes, Fafunwa (2003) reported that we are learning in a world where science and technology have become an integrated part of the world’s culture.
Finally, a close and honest study of the utilization of instructional materials provides a fertile ground for effective teaching and learning improvisation in teaching technical education.
The world of education has changed dramatically over the last 20 years with many new and existing options open for both education at home and education at school. There is a paradigm shift in classroom pedagogies chalk and talk though not fully redundant has become somewhat absolute and is considered pitiable inadequate in the contemporary educational science. All over the world, teachers renovation new teaching aid to make teaching process more interesting and effective.
The availability of audio-visual aids in our tertiary institution has remained problematic. Apart from the readymade teaching aids like pictures, textbooks, etc most tertiary institution lack the manpower and fund to produce teaching aids. Many tertiary institution lack trained technical education teachers and therefore unaware of the need to establish teaching aids centers for the production of technical education teaching aids.
Teachers undergoing intensive training should not only be trained in the act of teaching or making use of teaching aids but should also be taught how to make these aids themselves.
Summary of Literature Review
Instructional materials play a very vital role and have much effect on the teaching of technical education in tertiary institutions. Therefore, emphasis should be on the good use of instructional materials that help the teacher to teach in a more anusing and interesting way than verbal story telling.
Good use of instructional materials therefore is a pre-requisite for the understanding of technical education lessons.
The provision of facilities in teaching of technical education in tertiary institutions should be a joint responsibility of the school authority and agencies connected to the provision of school facilities.
When school authorities are more committed to their responsibilities and teachers to their duties in procuring the right instructional materials necessary for teaching technical education in tertiary institutions, the output will be very effective.
The use of instructional materials should be the responsibility expected of them with dedication.
The teachers more-often than not is in a position to determine the objectives of the programmer, but if the objectives are determine by the educational planners, then the teachers will determine the extent to which the objectives are realized.
No curriculum however well planned it may be, no text book however well written it may be will compensate for a poor teacher. On the other hand, a good teacher wills more than offset difficulties in curriculum, textbook and in equipments.
Finally, organization of workshop and seminars for technical education teachers will enrich the utilization of industrial materials in tertiary institutions.  
This chapter deals with the following:
·              Design of the Study
·              Population of the Study
·              Sample/Sampling Technique
·              Instrumentation of the Study
·              Validity of the Study
·              Method of Data Collection
·              Method of Data Analysis
Design of the Study
This study is a descriptive survey to research; it was designed in such a way as to gather data on availability of instructional materials for the teaching of technical education in tertiary institutions in Esan West Local Government Are of Edo State.
Population of the Study
The population of this study comprises of all the tertiary institutions in Esan West Local Government Are of Edo State. The schools utilized were Ambrose Alli University (A.A.U) Ekpoma and Samuel Adegboyega University (S.A.U) Ogwua.
Sample/Sampling Technique
The sampling size is the limited number of element selected from a population in this study. The study sample collected two hundred and twenty (220) samples at random including the students and lecturers from the two institutions.
Thirty (30) samples were randomly selected each from two options in vocational and technical education (mechanical and electrical) making sixty (60) samples from each of the two selected institutions. One hundred and twenty (120) questionnaires were administered to students of the two institutions i.e. sixty (60) questionnaires to each school, thirty (30) to the two options utilized.
One hundred (100) questionnaires were administered to the lecturers in the same manner, fifty (50) for each of the two institutions selected.
Data Collection Instrument
The research instrument used for this data collection was the questionnaire. The questionnaire was divided into aspects i.e the students and lecturer’s questionnaire. Each questionnaire has two (2) sections; section A contains the respondents’ personal information including the demographic such as Name of institution, Gender, Age and Level of study. The section B contains ten (10) questions each for both the students and lecturers’ questionnaires. 
Validity of the Instrument
In order to validate the instrument, the initial draft was given to the research supervisor. The suggestion and comment were incorporated into the final write up of the instrument, validity of the instrument was guaranteed.
Reliability of the Instrument
The researcher deems it fit to employ the test-retest method to obtain the reliability of the instrument.
The reliability of the instrument was established by constructing a test-retest on twenty (20) samples outside the ones used in the study after two weeks interval, the test was re-administered to one hundred (100) samples. The scores of the result was related thus the reliability was established.
 Method of Data Collection
The structured questionnaire was personally administered by the researcher to the respondents. The questionnaires were distributed and retrieved from the individual respondents the same day.
Method of Data Analysis
The data collected from the field was analyzed using descriptive statistics of simple percentage and frequency count.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a presentation and analysis of the data that was collected from students and the discussion of findings. It deals with the assessment of the availability of instructional materials for the teaching of technical education in tertiary institutions in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State.
Research Question I: Do you use instructional materials to teach technical education?
Table 1: Are instructional materials available to teach technical education in tertiary institutions in Esan West?

The table shows that 87.5% of the respondents agreed that they use instructional materials to teach technical education while 12.5% do not use instructional materials.
This result shows that there are availability of instructional materials for the teaching of technical education in tertiary institutions in Esan West?
Research Question II: Are you aware that there are instructional materials in your school?
Table 2: Are students aware of the availability of these instructional materials in the school?

The table shows that 86.7% of the students are aware of the availability of instructional materials in the school while 13.3% are not aware.
This result shows that students that are aware of the availability of instructional materials are more than those that are not aware.
Research Question III:  Does the use of instructional materials in teaching improve students’ academic performance in technical education?
Table 3:  Does the use of instructional materials in teaching affect students’ performance in technical education?

The table shows that 100.0% of the lecturers agreed that the use fo instructional materials improve students’ performance in technical education.
The result shows that all of instructional materials improve student’s performance.

Research Question IV: Are there adequate trained lecturers to utilize these instructional materials.
Table 4: Are there adequate trained lecturers to utilize these instructional materials.

The table shows that 100.0% of the lecturers agreed that there adequate trained lecturers to utilize the instructional materials thus showing that all the respondent agreed.
Discussion of Findings
The findings revealed that the lecturers that use instructional materials to teach technical education are more than those that do not use instructional materials. It revealed also that there are adequate instructional materials to teach technical education in Esan west. The findings also revealed that there are adequate trained lecturers to utilize the instructional materials and that the utilization of instructional materials has enhanced the skills in teaching technical education.
The findings also revealed that the students that are aware of the availability of instructional materials in the school are more than those that are not aware. This simply means that students are aware of the availability of instructional materials in the school. It also revealed that the students of tertiary institutions in Esan West agreed that the instructional materials in the institutions do meet their information needs and that the use of instructional materials in teaching technical education facilitates their learning process.
This study investigated the assessment on materials available in the teaching of technical education in tertiary institution in Esan West Local Government. The empirical analysis in findings to research question one to four revealed that students learn faster with the use of instructional materials and the utilization of teaching aids enhance the lecturers’ skills.
The findings revealed that the materials available for the teaching of technical education in tertiary institutions have both ends in terms of sufficiency and adequacy.
This research work has x-rayed the situation analysis on materials available in the teaching of technical education in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State. As Eddie (2007) opined that instructional materials are those materials nearest to reality or direct experience utilized to make teaching and learning more meaningful and effective. Technical education in tertiary institutions should be taught with instructional materials because they give a clear picture of what is been taught. Technical education teachers should improve the instructional materials that will enhance students’ understanding because students have varying level of abilities, talents and motivations.
The teacher should ensure a wide variety of instructional materials that are available in printed form such as books, handouts, journal, magazine, charts, tape recorder, video recorder etc. these are of great importance to the effectiveness of teaching and learning process.
Based on findings of the study, the following recommendations were made.
i.                   Government and V.C of tertiary institutions should make available instructional materials to make teaching and learning more interesting and effective to students.
ii.                 Teachers should as much as possible utilize the available instruction materials.
iii.              Lecturers should improve appropriate mode of presenting the subject matter when teaching.
iv.              Workshop and seminars should be organized regularly by representatives to update lecturers on the new ideals and techniques on instructional media, production and utilization.
v.                 Technical education section of the school library should be sufficiently stocked with relevant and current textbooks.
vi.              Experienced teachers should try as much as possible to write textbooks on technical educations
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Section A:
Students Questionnaire
Name of Institution
Gender: Male (    ) Female (    )
Age range: 16-20 (     ) 21-25 (    ) 26-30 (     )
Level: 100 (     ) 200 (     ) 300 (    ) 400 (    ) 500 (     )
Section B
Part A: Student awareness on the availability of institution materials.
1.          Are you aware there are Instructional materials in your school library? Yes (     ) No (    )
2.          Do you use Instructional materials? Yes (    ) No (    )
3.          How well do you use instructional materials
4.          Are there current instructional materials in your school library?   Yes (    ) No (    )
5.          Doe the Instructional materials meet your need?       Yes (    )  No (    )
6.          On an average, how many hour per week do you spend to access instructional materials? 1-5 hrs (  ) 6-10hrs (   ) 11-15hrs (   ) 16-20hrs (   ) 21 and above (     )
Respond to this part by ticking from the options SA: Agree, A: Agree, U: Undeale, D: Disagree, SD: Strongly Disagree.
Part B: The use of materials in teaching affects student performance in business education.


Without the instructional materials, it will be difficult to survive in my programme in the school.

Without instructional materials, I would have been an average student

The use of instructional materials as supplementary to the information given by our teacher has improved their G.P.A

Instructional materials enhances my academic performance

Section A:
 Name of Institution
Gender: Male (  ) Female (  )
Age range: 26-30 (  ) 31-35 (  ) 36-40 (  ) 41-45 (  ) 46+ (  )
Educational Background: HND (  ) B.Sc (  ) M.Sc (  ) Ph.D (  ) Professor (  )
Section B
Teachers Questionnaire
Part A: Adequate Instructional materials available to teach business education
1.          Do you use instructional materials to teach business education? Yes (  ) No (  )
2.          Are there adequate instructional materials in teaching of business education? Yes (  ) No (  )
3.          Are there current instructional materials on business education in your school library? Yes (  ) No (  )
4.          Does the available instructional materials in your school meet your need as a teacher?
5.          Are there shortage of instructional materials in your school? Yes (  ) No (  )
Part B: The use of materials in teaching affect student performance in business education
6.          Does the use  of instructional materials in teaching affect student performance in business education
7.          Does the use of  instructional materials in teaching facilitate the learning process of the student? Yes (  ) No (  )
Part C: Adequate trained lecturers to use the teaching aid
8.          Are  there adequate trained teacher to utilize these instructional materials? Yes (  ) No (  )
9.          Does the utilization of instructional materials enhance your skills into teaching of business education? Yes (  ) No (  )
10.      Does the utilization of instructional materials enhance your skills into teaching of business education? Yes (  ) No (  )
11.      Make teaching of business education easier? Yes (  ) No (  )

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