corruption and local government administration in nigeria: a case study of etsako west local government area, edo state pdf


Corruption is one of the socio-vices that have characterized administration of local government in Nigeria. And as a result of inefficiency and ineffectiveness of policies and programmes are the orders of the days.

Corruption can be seen as any act that derivate from normal society norms. It is when a public officers or private economic agent allow their personal interest to override the consideration of public good.  
The purpose of this research work is to look at corruption and local government administration in Nigeria. (Using Etsako West Local Government Area, of Edo State as a case study).
The research work would be divided into four chapters. The first part of the study mainly introduction, it gives background of the study of the work, statement of the problem, objective of the study, hypothesis, significance of study, methodology, scope of study and clarification of concepts.
Chapter two will be review of related literature, chapter three; this will focus on data presentation and analysis. While chapter four will include recommendations, implication of study and conclusion.

Title page
Table of contents
1.1      Background of the study
1.2      Statement of the problem
1.3      Objectives of the study
1.4      Research hypotheses
1.5      Significanssce of the study
1.6      Theoretical framework
1.7      Methodology
1.8      Scope and limitation of study
1.9      Definition of terms
1.10 Organization of work
Review of related literature
2.1      Concept of corruption
2.2      Causes of corruption in the local government area
2.3      Forms of corruption in local government
3.1      Data presentation and analysis
3.2      Summary of major finding
Summary, conclusion and recommendation of study
4.1      Summary of study
4.2      Conclusion
4.3      Recommendation
        The history of corruption is as old as the world, because ancient civilization has traces of widespread illegality and corruption (Dike, 2003).
        Thus ‘Lipset and Lenz 2000’ noted that corruption has been ubiquitous in complex societies from Ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece down to the present day.
        Corruption is also believed to be endemic in modern government and it is not peculiar to any continent, region or ethnic group. Corruption is a global phenomenon and it is practiced in every part of the world. Therefore corruption requires global effort to combat.
        The incidence and magnitude of corrupt activities are not the same in every society. Some countries are obviously more corrupt than the other and measure put in place to tackle corrupt issues are more effective than the other.
        Over the year, corruption has because a topic of increased interest and debate within the Nigeria society. Nigerians media and other commentators worldwide are constantly advised the government to put more efforts to address the issue of corruption.
        The public discuss is a critical element in any anti-corruption effort and is essential in raising public awareness of the issues associated with corruption in Nigeria.
        The problem of corruption in Nigeria cut across both private and public sector and has eating deep into the fabric of administration and is perpetrating not only to those who governed, but also by the governance. It is not limited to one aspect of the Nigeria administration. And the effects it has in Nigeria as a nation so enormous.
        Although, corruption is not limited to Nigeria alone, the rate of corruption in Nigeria alone is far worst than most of the countries in the world. Anyone, who has lived in Nigeria, knows that becoming corrupt is almost unavoidable, as morality is relaxed, because to survive people have to make money. Judging from various annual reports of transparency international (global watch dog), Nigeria is always at the peak in global ranking.
        In 1996, Nigerian was the most corrupt country, 1998, (4th) 2001 and 2003 (2nd) most corrupt respectively. In 2008 it was 59th, and 2009 (50th) position, and in 2013 (33rd) most corrupt country in the world, according to the latest report by German based transparency international.
        All these report have pointed to the fact that corruption is so deep rooted in the Nigeria society and has seriously affected services delivery in Nigeria. For instance low quality production, resources under utilization and many more. It has caused a reduction in quality of goods and services available to the public, as some companies could cut corners to increase profit margins. Bribe ring and corruption, the culture of late payment, delays or refusal to pay for service rendered are according to the Lord Bishop of Guilford, David Peck, scaring away British investor from Nigeria. He note that those who fail to pay companies for service rendered seems to forget that the life blood of any company is its cash flow. And rightly point out that the price of corruption is poverty. (daily trust July 9, 2002).
        Generally, corruption is defined as any action or omission enacted by a member or an organization which is against the rules, regulations, norms and ethnics of the organization and purpose of which is to meet the selfish ends of the member. (Azelama 2000:90). Corruption is defined as the abuse of power for private gains in violation of rules (Rose Ackerman 1999; Manion 2004), corruption is also described as illegal actions carried out by government officials to enrich themselves. Dennis (2001) defines corruption as giving something to someone with power to obtain a favor. Corruption is the misuse of public power for private gain (Youthink 2011).
        Although, corruption pervasive in all levels of government in Nigeria, this research work focus on corruption in the Administration of local government Nigeria.
        Corruption as could be noted is one of the deepest course of defection and improper governance among the populace and it is believed to have spread more in the civilian regime as could be conceptualize below.
        According to Rt. Rev. Dr. P.J Akintola, ‘the problem can be traced to the mid 70s when the general purging of the establishment was hailed by many Nigerians. It was reported however, that most quiet and few numbers of the sacked workers who could not cope with the purge or untimely dismissal from work for which they were most unprepared died of heart attack.
        Kick backs, side and forward kicks become the order of the day with impurity. Nothing could be done without some forms of shady deals to the extent that it has now become an open secret that every contract awarded must attracts at least 10% kickback. The bureaucracy system that was meant to ensure checks and balance in the system became delaying machinery. This could be manifested by some Nigerians demanding bribe and gratification on jobs for which they where employed and paid salary.
        Goke Omolade (1997) put it that corruption like any other human traits has both creative and destructive effects. First on its negative side effect, corruption is perceived as negative barrier to any human decency and to a large extent, this notion altogether valued, especially in this society where massive miseries and poverty, absence of constructive ideals and potential leaders hold ways. In the face of this, some what institutionalized state of deprivation exists. Those saddled with position of command thereby become corrosively corrupt and they tenaciously hold onto the veins of power.
        Akintola (1997) opined that a lot has to be said and written about corruption in African and most especially in Nigeria which is the focus point of this research work. In Nigeria, most individual are said to be corrupt especially the ruling class. This class according to him has been able to sustain her corrupt tendencies to the entire country because the Nigeria society encourages and adores it. This social evil has been existing through the leaders because their society here gives them tacit support either by act of omission or commission.
        In an attempt to find out the genesis of this social evil called corruption in Nigeria. The following points must be addressed and followed ‘was Nigeria ever a good society free from brazen indiscipline and corruption? When all these evil did wrap up our country, is there hope for better Nigeria’.
        Hannatu Raji; opined that Nigeria is one of the most corrupt country in the world. This was in spite of the faults that democratic institution had been introduced and the anti-corruption commissioned set up. Even as today, Nigeria occupies the least but one position down the ladder among the nation adjudged to be corrupt by transparency international corruption perception index.
        Relating this to the value of corruption as put by Prince Tony Momoh, the case of ItalyJapan of the miracle stories of South –East Asia comes forth. Though Italy and Japan are formidable members of the so called group, yet their political arena still remains an available one.
        As a matter of fact, their economic and industrial sectors are so vibrant that hardly can any one notice the abandoned project and effect of corruption.
        The catholic secretariat forum of Nigeria (2002) says that corruption is in large extent or measure for the broken promise, the dashed hope and the shallow dreams that have characterized the existence of the multitude of Nigerians in the last few decades. According to them the choice before us is clear, we either go to war against corruption in its entire ramification or we shall soon be totally consumed by this hydra headed dragon. If all this issue of corruption has to be dealt with, we must allow virtue of accountability, transparency and probity to prevail in our society.
        Despite the universal campaign on the urgent need to enforce the philosophy and principle of good governance and it mechanism to enthrone development in facet of life in Nigeria like the local government, Nigeria leaders still see it as Herculean task to implement and abide with.
        By and large corruption who pilot it, it is the leaders who have been given the uncommon privilege to lead the led, therefore leadership is a strong obstacle to development, the two issue of corruption and leadership in Nigeria if frantically reduce to it bearest minimum, the depart glory of Nigeria as the best habitation of man will be restore.
        According to plato he asserted that philosophical lung’s which are this present day president, governor and chairman of local government, failure to carryout it area of responsibility he should be send to prison of reformation where he will be given council, this assertion is not humorous but a sober reflection of leaders in Nigeria to give a flashback if their administration has really impact on the life of the people. Therefore the enthronement of good governance is a headway to development.
        The objective of the study is
a.   To ascertain some of the causes of corruption in the local government.
b.   To determined the forms of in the local government.
c.    To determined the effect of corruption in local government service delivery.
d.   To establish possible ways of tackle corruption in the local government in order to improve in service delivery.
1. Ho There is no significant relationship between corruption and the local government service delivery.
Hi: There is a significant relationship between corruption and the local government service delivery.
2. Ho: There is no significant relationship between the causes of corruption and the effectiveness of local government.
Hi: There is a significant relationship between the causes of corruption and the effectiveness of local government.
a. This work will be meaningful and beneficial as it throws more light on the effort of eradicating corruption in government.
b. At the end of the research work deliberate effort will be made to forecast about the future state of the country so that appropriate measure will be taken by future leaders in case of corruption.
c. Useful suggestion will be made to both political office hollers and administrators on the device to combat corruption.
d. Future researcher will find this study very useful in their research work s it relate to corruption in the administration of local government in Nigeria.
e. The findings and recommendation of this research work will help government institution, corporate bodies, and government in formulating polices to tackle corruption in Nigeria society.
        The theoretical framework that will be adopted for this research work is systematic pathology thesis. According to Kast and Rosezweig they argued that were an organization system suffer from pathology either in its subsystem or its interaction with environment the system suffers from positive entropy. This is a malfunctioning of the system; the assumption of this theory is that corruption and other factors are seen in the polity generally.

        Sources of data
        Two major sources of data was used to generate data fro this study. These are the primary and secondary sources of data.
        The primary sources of data collection is based on personal interview and questionnaire method.
        The secondary source of data collection are journals, textbooks, and comments from analyst on corruption in Nigeria were used.
The population of the study
        The adult residence of Etsako West Local Government Area of Edo State constituted the population of this study. However, based on the 2006 census and housing result, the population of this local government is estimated to a totals figure of one hundred and fifty thousand people.

Sample size and sampling techniques
        The sample size of this research is about sixty respondents. The sampling techniques adopted in the selection of respondent was the random sampling techniques. The choice of this technique was informed by the fact that it gives every research subject equal chance of being selected.
Research instrument
        The questionnaire was utilized as the major instrument of this study. This instrument was structured into two sections, section A and B. Section A entails with relevant variable to the corruption in the local government administration. The closed ended format which required the respondent to either agree or disagree was adopted. The questions generated to elicit the response of the respondent centered around the hypothesis generated to sought the result generated.

Administration of instrument
        The researcher personally administered the research instrument to the respondent in their offices and residence.
        The study was carried out within the context of Etsako West Lola Government Area of Edo State. However, finding and recommendation relates to the entire country administration. The study focus in corruption in the administration of local government in Nigeria.
        There were a lot of hindrance in the way of the researcher in the process of carrying out the study.
        There was the problem of finance, as most of the variable ways of getting finance where not forth-coming.
Corruption: Corruption is the inducement of in-cash or kind to secure services or goods from public officials or agencies through illegitimate or unlawful or irregular means.
Administration: Is the act of direction, co-ordination and control of many people for the purpose of achieving the organization goals and objectives.
Local government: Is a political subdivision of a state, which is constituted by law and has substantial control of local affairs, including the power to impose taxes and to exact labour fro prescribed purposes.
Bribe and gratification: Demanding or requesting for something in a dishonest way. For instance kickbacks.
Brazen greed: The act of being selfish as well as manifesting some elements of greediness thereby siphoning the national wealth into his or her pocket.
        The project work is divided into four chapter. Chapter one deals with the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research hypothesis, significance of the study, others are theoretical framework, methodology, scope and limitation of study, definition of terms and organization of work.
        Chapter two cover review of related literatures and history of organization. Chapter three covers presentation and analysis.

Azelama J. (2002) Corruption in Nigeria Public Enterprises Ambik Press Benin City.
Aghayere V.O (1997): Dominant Issue in the Nigeria Local Government System. A Contemporary Focus (Benin City: Imprint Service, p. 137).
Azelama J.U (2005) Administration of Higher Education (Benin City) Every Blessed Publisher.
Bolaji L. (1970) Anatomy of Corruption in Nigeria.
Bayley, D.H (1960) The Effect of Corruption in Developing Nation.
Catholic Secretariat Forum of Nigerians (2002) on Corruption Guardian Nigeria, Sunday 13th 2002.
Goke Omolade (1997) Corruption and the Nigeria Society: vanguard, Nigeria Feb, 13th 1997.
Hannatu Raji (2002) Perception of Corruption in Nigeria, August 10th 2002.

        Perhaps, because corruption has received an extensive attention in the communities, and may be, due to the fact that it has been over flogged in the academics circles, corruption has corrupt behavior.
        Corruption has broadly been defined as a perversion or a change from good to bad. Specifically, corruption or corrupt behavior involves the violation of established rules for personal gain and profit.    
        Corruption is efforts to secure wealth or power thorough illegal means private gain at public expenses, or a misuse of public power for private benefit (Lipset Lenz 2000, p 112-114).
        It is also a behavior, which deviates from the formal duties of a public role, because of private gain. It is a behavior, which violated rules against the exercise of certain types of duties, for private gains regarding influences. The definition includes such behavior as bribery, use of a reward to prevent judgement of a person in a position of trust, nepotism and misappropriation (Lipset and Lenz 2000).
        (Osoba 19996) adds that corruption is an anti social behavior conferring improper benefits contrary to legal and moral norms, and which undermine the authorities to improve the living condition of the people.
        (To M.A.C Odu), corruption is acceptation or requesting for money for action that could impair justice and fair play which is one of the commonest and most applicable brand of corruption in Nigeria state.
        (Azelama 2002: 0 90) sees corruption as any action or omission enacted by an organization which is against the rules and regulations, norms, and ethics of the organization and the purpose of which is to meet the selfish ends of the member.
        Even though some of these definitions of corruption have been around for over decades, the recent development in Nigeria were discoveries of stolen public fund run into billion of US dollars and Nigeria naira makes the definitions very adequate and appropriate. Corruption is probably the main means to accumulate quick wealth in Nigeria and local government level in particulars.
        Over the years chairman and councilors, loot the local government treasury without any regards for developments. And this has further downgraded the local dwellers inot object poverty.
        Although corruption is associated with all level of government in Nigeria, the local government in Nigeria, the local government is worst hit. The local government being the people best development and provides better services. But rather they are responsible in grooming the local politician in corruption that will take him or her to the higher level. At this junction, efforts will be made to give the meaning of local government. According to the United Nation (UN) office of public division of a nation or (in a federal system) state, which is constituted by law ad has substantial control of local affair including power to impose taxes and to exalt labor for prescribed purpose.
        Simply put, it is the government at the grassroots, it ensure the local people are brought inot the limelight of the entire society. And so has the responsibilities to train local politicians and bureaucrats to man the affair of the people and subsequently in higher levels. This is not so because corruption has eaten deep into the local government fabrics. Scholars and professionals are of the support that corruption in inimical and hazardous to administration efficiency and effectiveness and also perilous to socio economic and political development.
        The goals of local government is the advancement of human government is the advancement of human welfare, so any human behaviour which has negative impact on public service efficiency cannot be in interest of human welfare. Hence corruption must be seen as hindrance to the fundamental goals of local government administration.
        Several writers and commentators have given different opinion on the causes of corruption in the local government.
        Ademolokun has speculated genuine reasons to elucidate this inherent capacity for corruption in the local government administration, viz:
i.            The system has incompetence and ignorance officials: This reasons can be justified on the ground that some councilors or supervisors who are expected to take charged of the financial activities of the local government does not even understand common addition and multiplication. In other words they do not know what job is, but are only lucky to find themselves in chapter on corruption prepared by the center for advance social science (C.A.S.S) Port-Harcourt. It stated that in Nigeria the prospect of being small, the chances that eh punishment will not be anything but broken when the officer of the offence is high.
According to the charter, people how are know to be corrupt are always courted and honored by the communities, religious bodies, social club and other public and private organization. Any individuals or groups that benefits from these corrupt element can hardly ask questions.
ii.          The detective administrative procedures with which the local government manage their funds.
iii.        Poor remuneration: The Nigeria rewards system is perhaps, the poorest in the world. Nigeria is a society where national priorities are turned upside down. Hard work is not rewarded, but rogues are often glorified in the local government. The influence of extended family stem and pressure to meet family obligation and the issues of polygamous household (Onolaja and Onolaya 1997).
iv.         According to Edward Lotterman, bad rules and ineffective taxing system, which make sit difficult to track down people’s financial government (pioneer press, April 25, 2002).
v.           Ineffective system is a serious problem for Nigeria. The society should institute appropriate and effective taxing system where everyone is made to explain their source of income.
vi.         The brazen display of wealth by public officers, which they are unable to explain the sources, points on how bad corruption has reached in the society. Many of these officials before being elected or appointed into public offices had little or no modest income. But now, they are owner of many properties around the country. This will give the coming ones the intention that public office is a place to make money (this day online, June 24, 2002). The points mentioned above are some of the causes of corruption which is believed to have hindered the development of the local government administration.
        (Azelama 2002:90) identify various forms of corruption that are mostly common in the Nigerian public enterprises, parastatals, department and government agencies. And undoubting are very common in the local government area of administration. These include:
i.            Bribery: Which is one of the commonest forms of corruption in the local government. It is a situation where someone who is not qualified to get something, but the actor whose duty it is to allocate it has been influenced in cash or kind to give it. In many cases of bribery there are persons who are qualified to get the benefit or reward who are consequently deprived of it. Bribery in Nigeria local government is in the areas of employments, promotion, release of funds by government, determination of who get contracts etc.
ii.          Embezzlement: This is theft of public resources by public officials. It is when a local government officials steals from the public fund in which he/she is employed. In Nigeria local government, the embezzlement of public fund is one of the most common ways of economic accumulation, perhaps, due to lack of strict regulatory systems.
iii.       Extortion: This is done in a way of coercion, violence or threats to use force in extracting individual what belongs to them and what they qualified to get. Extortion is rampant in the local government in the most times, money are collect from local people in the name of a projects will be situated in their areas.
iv.        Fraud: it involves some land of trickery swindle and decent, counterfeiting, racketing, smuggling and forgery. It takes the forms of kickback, tips and others with the sole aim of defraud the public treasury.
v.           Favouritism: Is also another form of corruption. It is a mechanism of power abuse implying a highly biased distribution of resources. However, this is seen as a natural human proclivity to favour friends, family, and anybody close and trusted.
vi.        Nepotism: This is a special form of favouritism in which an office holder prefers his/her kinsfolk and family members. It occurs, when one is exempted from application of certain laws or regulation or given undue preference in the allocation of scarce resources.
vii.      Attitude to work: This is the poor attitude to work posses by most local government workers and public office holder. This is as a result of the fact that people has the perception of government work as nobody’s work. And this is mostly found in the local government area in Nigeria. The above mentioned forms of corruption are some of the tops of corruption practices that exist in the local government area of Etsako West.

        The following are the nature and characteristics of corruption in the local government.
i.            Political corruption: Which takes place at the highest level of political authority. It occurs when the politician and political decision-makers who are entitled to formulate and implements the law in the name of the people are themselves corrupts. These groups are usually the chairman, councilors and judiciary in the local government. They are responsible for corruption in the political terrain. In the local government and in Nigeria generally, corruption is mostly high in the political arena. Although the civil servant usually collaborate.
ii.          Bureaucratic corruption: Which occurs in the public administration. This kind of corruption has been branded low level and street level. It is the kind that citizens encounter daily at offices place. It occur when one obtain a business from the public sector through inappropriate procedure. It is a situation where individual files or corporate file are deliberately kept to ensure the person in charge is given a gratification in kind or in cash before such file is given a consideration or facilitation. This type is very common in most public offices.
iii.       Electoral corruption: which includes purchase of votes with money, promise of office favors, coercion, and intimidation. Electoral corruption is so wide in the local government, that people are deprived or disenfranchised from electing people of their choice. And the need will be an imposition of candidate who will not be responsible to the people, rather to the godfather who put him or her in that position. At this junction effort will be made to highlight some of the effects of corruption in the local government.
i.            The effect of corruption in the local government political are economic development are myriad. The negative effect impact economic growth as it, among other things reduces public spending on education (Mauro 1995).
ii.          Lipset and Lez noted that the effect on growth is in part, as a result of reduced level investment, as it adds to investment risk.
iii.        Corruption wastes skills precious time is often wasted to set up unending committees to fight corruption and to monitor public projects.
iv.         According to Azelama (2000) corruption in local government bring about low level of effectiveness and efficiency. Because of corrupt tendencies government polities and programme are not carried out in ease, rather they are made to be out rageous in prices. The exist if implementing government programme are always in the higher cost.
v.           Poor quality output: Corruption causes reduction in quality of goods and services available to the public. This will be as a result of people not putting their best after they have collects bribe to ensures no proper controlled.
vi.         Low morale, corruption has taught Nigerians a dangerous and wrong lesson that it does not pay to be honest, hardworking and law abiding. Through corrupt means many political office holders get wealth easily. (the guardian, July 14, 2002).
vii.       Many of the abandoned projects in the local government today are as a result of corruption. Contractor collected money in collaboration with political office holders and at the end the works will not be done.
In facts, the negative effects of corruption in the local government cannot be exhausted as it enormous. Despite the immoral aspects and harmful effect of corruption, some scholars have argued that corruption can be beneficial to political development or political modernization (Pye March 1965).
‘Political development means growth in the capacity of a society’ government structures and process to maintain their legitimacy overtime by contributing to economic development, national integration and administration capacity.
(Max Gluckman 1955) opined that scandal associated with corruption sometimes have the effect of strengthening a value system of a society as a whole.
Thus is a probably in relation to Nigeria. The scandals associated with the ‘Abacha regime (Treasury looting and human right violation) have given the nation some food for thought. Nigeria still perplexed and reoccupied with the issues of how to strengthen the nation essential government structures to avoid the reoccurrence of these kinds of looting and atrocities in future.
In addition, some writers have a modern political life. Some have argued that the vast gap between literate official and illiterate peasant, which is often characteristic of the country side, may be bridged if the peasant approaches he officials bringing traditional gifts point out that a degree of low-level of corruption can humanize government and make it less awesome (Mc Mullan July 1967).
The apparent benefit of corruption as mentioned, not with standing, is not equal to the evil it has brought to local government in Nigeria. Any right thinking person in Nigeria were ubiquitous corruption has ravaged the society will find it impossible to agree that corruption is beneficial, no matter how plausible it may be.
Many studies have been conducted that show the consequences of corruption. And corruption has us in Nigeria a dangerous and lesson that it does not pay to be honest, hardworking and law abiding. Through corruption, many political office holders in the local government council have acquire wealth and properties in and outside Nigeria, and mush display their wealth (which is beyond the means) but the society does not blink. This has made polities a big business in Nigeria; because anything spent to secure political office is regarded as an investment, which matures immediately once one get into office (the guardian, July 14, 2002).
Corruption can destroy the legitimacy of a government. The Shehu Shagari administration was written off as inept because of policy direction. Corruption is one of the reasons for ‘brain drain’ phenomenon in Nigeria. In Nigeria you can hardly enter an office and get your file signed except you drop some money. Even the security personnel at the door of every office will ask for bribe or tips. In other works, corruption lead to slow movement of files that get through the desk of officers once the interested parties have compromised themselves. It also lead to missing files that would resurface immediately the desk officer is settled, unnecessary bureaucracy and delay until fees are paid (Olaja, the guardian April 21, 2002).
In summary, corruption divert scare public resources inot private pockets, literally undermines governance, endangers democracy and erodes the social and moral fabric of nations. As it has been noted that lust for power and corruption as gift know in Nigeria, is strictly a Nigerian problem. But it is more common in this part of the work and has done more harm than good to the local government in Nigeria.

Azelama (2002:90) Administration of Nigeria Tertiary Institution (Ever Blessed Publisher Benin City).
Adamolekum L. Public Administration, A Nigerian and Comparative Perspective Lagos Longmans 1983, p. 83.
Lip set and Lenz, (2000): Publication on Corruption Problem in Nigeria (p 112-114).
The Guardian, April 21 2002.
The Guardian, July 14, (2002): The Evils of Corruption in Nigeria.
This Day Newspaper November 11, 2009: Corruption raking Local Government in Nigeria. 

        In analysis data for the study, it is important to analysis the socio-demographic features of the respondents. The analysis of this features of respondent will had as a prelude to data analysis.
Table one
Age distribution of the respondents
No of respondent
Less than 25
Above 55 years
Source field survey (2014)
        The above table shows that the ages of respondent less than 25 years constitute 18.3%, 28-40 years is 33.3%, and 40-55 years is 16.7% and those above 55 years constitutes 31.7% of the respondents used for the study.
Table two
Sex distribution of the respondents
No of respondent
Source field survey (2014)
        Table two shows the distribution of the respondent by sex. The above table indicates majority of the respondent are male which constitutes 66.7% while the females respondents is 33.3%.
Table three
Married distribution of the respondents
Marital status
No of respondent

Source field survey (2014)
        The table three shows the respondents by their marital status. In the table, 28.3% single, 56.7% married and 3.33% widowed.
Table four
Distribution of the respondents by educations
Level of education
No of respondent
Source field survey (2014)
        Table four indicates that 66.6% of the respondent obtains tertiary education, 20% secondary education, and 13.4 have primary education.
Table five
Distribution of respondents by religion
No of respondent

Source field survey (2014)
        The table indicates that 56.7% of the respondents are Muslim, 33.3% Christian and 10% traditional.
Table six
Distribution of respondents by length of stay in the community
Length of stay
No of respondent
30 years
40 yeas
40 years
Source field survey (2014)
        Table six, indicates that 33.3% of the respondents have been in the area for 30 years, 50% for 40 years, and 16.7% for 50 years in the community.

Section B: Question
Table seven
        Perception of the level of prevalence of corruption in the Nigerian society?
No of respondent
Source field survey (2014)
        The table seven above shows 955% of the respondents see corruption as very much in existed in Nigeria, 5% say no.
Table eight
        Perception of corruption level in Nigeria among nations in the world
No of respondent
Source field survey (2014)
        In the above 66.7% of the respondents agreed that Nigeria is among the most corrupt nation in the world, 33.3% did not agree to this assertion.
Table nine
        Perception of level of corruption in local government
No of respondent
Source field survey (2014)
        The respondents in this table show 63.4% believes corruption is more prevalent in the local government, while 36.6% thinks otherwise.
Table ten
        Respondent perception on the effects of corruption in the local government
No of respondent
Source field survey (2014)
        The respondents in this table, shows 83.4% see corruption having negative effect in the local government 16.6% see positive effect. 
Table eleven
        Perception of corruption in relation to level of efficiency in the local government
No of respondent
Source field survey (2014)
        The above table indicates 85% of the respondents saying yes, 15% of the respondents did not agree.
Table twelve
        Respondents perception of effects of corruption in quality of output in the local government
No of respondent
Source field survey (2014)
        The table 12 above has 66.7% of the respondents agreed to this asscertion, 33.4 thinks it is not true.
Table thirteen
        Respondents perception of effects of corruption on workers morale in the local government
No of respondent
Source field survey (2014)
        In the table 13 above, 80% of the respondents sees corruption has responsible to low morale of workers and 20% did not agree that corruption is responsible to low morale of worker in the local government.
Table fourteen
        Respondents perception of corruption on recruitment of quality employees
No of respondent

Source field survey (2014)
        As can be seen from this table every respondents has agreed that corruption is the main reason for non qualified person’s employed in the local government.
Table fifteen
        Respondents perception of corruption and abandonment of contracts in the local government
No of respondent
Source field survey (2014)
        In the above table, 86.7% claimed that abandoned project are as a result of corruption, while 13.3% said no.
Table sixteen
        Perception of corruption as wastage of skill of workers in the local government
No of respondent
Source field survey (2014)
        100% of the respondents agreed that corruption has leads to wastage of skills of workers in the local government area.
        Respondent perception of corruption as beneficial to political development
No of respondent

Source field survey (2014)
        The above table shows 91.7% disagreed while 8.3% agreed to this assertion.
Table eighteen
        Respondents perception of corruption in political sphere than administrative
No of respondent
Source field survey (2014)
        In the above table respondent has agreed that practices is equal in both political and administrative spheres. It is 50% each side. They are of the view that career offices collaborates with political office holders to perpetuate corrupt activities, as they can easily manipulate figures to cover up.
Table nineteen
        Respondent perception of laws to regulate the level of corruption in the local government
No of respondent
Source field survey (2014)
        The table above shows 83.3% of the respondents agreed there are enabling laws to tackle corruption, 16.7% says there are no formidable laws to fight corruption.

        Corruption is seen to be very present in local government administration and economic development in Etsako West Local Government in particular. This is supported by the respondents opinion as statically analyzed in this study. In fact, the efficiency of workers as well as their moral have negatively being affected due to high level of corruption at the local government level worst still, laws and edict regulating local government activities and kept by local government management and supervision or it is therefore surprising, that local government development at the grassroots level is grossly poor and inadequate in Nigeria.
        However, efforts have been made to improve on statuesque.
        From the above, the researcher is in the view that there ware laws to regulate corruption in the local government council.

        Corruption is a global phenomenon, but this work examine corruption in local government administration in Nigeria with special focus on Etsako West Local Government Area of Edo State.
        This work reviewed literature of concept nature, form, causes and effect of corruption and the local government administration in Nigeria. The assertion that corruption is responsible for non-performance of this local government inevitable leads to the formation of the following points to be investigated.
1.   Corruption leads to low level of efficiency in the local government.
2.   Corruption has brought about poor quality of output in the local government.
3.   Corruption causes low of moral of works in the local government.
4.   It has lead to abandonment of projects in the local government.
5.   Accountability and transparency is not intensified in the local government.
6.   It has lead to employment of unqualified person’s.
The investigation of this crucial hypothesis generated the following endings.
        Corruption has eaten deep into the fabric of the administration of Etsako West Local Government Council, and has adversely affected its administrative capacity. Generally, the causes of corruption in the local government are too many and there is now a general consensus that the root of corruption lies basically on the prevailing situation from the environment. The family, kinsmen and other social groups in the society.
        There is the problem of lack of political administrative leadership. This reason is extensively responsible for political and bureaucratic corruption and its relates to the incompetence and ignorance of both political and career officers in the local government. On the basic of available data corruption has had considerable of negative effects on the local ability to carry out its statutory responsibilities effectively and efficiently.
        The low quality of output is as a result of the fact that most workers is as a result of the fact that most workers are either ignorance of what their responsibilities are or unwilling to live up to their responsibilities.
        A lot of awarded contracts have been abandoned, as kickback, bribery are given to those officers in change of those contracts and so the contractor can work away freely without fear of persecution.
        The existence of nepotism, favoritism in the workers recruitment has result to employment of unqualified people and also contracts awards in the local government.
        Based on the analysis and finding in this study, the following recommendations were made to the governments, at all levels, cooperates bodies, industries to help in formulating policies to tackle the problem of corruption in local government administration in Nigeria.
1.  The re-orientation of the Nigerian youth to imbibe good value systems that could held in the war against corruption.
2.  That corruption should not just be fought by instituting. But the root causes should be look into. And this calls for re-orientation of Nigerians population on danger of corruption.
3.  The preaching of gospel and practice of virtue is the ultimate solution to behavioural change and reduction of corruption in the local government area.
4.  The area of employment should be based on merit and not who you know. And this should also goes in the area of contracts awards in the local government.
5.  That the local government system of remuneration is very discouraging and efforts should be intensified for improvements.
6.  Hardwork should be rewarded to discourage lazy workers at all levels of government.
7.  Those found to be corrupts should not be courted by kinsmen, social groups, and religious bodies in the society.
8.  To reduced corruption in the administration of local government, the state government should set up monitoring agency through the ministry of local government and chieftaincy affair, for set targets and entrust local government functionaries with expectations. This is very necessary so that at the end of the day we point who is responsible for corrupts practices in the local government.
9.  Government should enable the effectiveness and efficiency of both internal and external audit units at all levels of government, to check irregulaties, embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds. If any of these is revealed in the course of auditing the party (ies) involved should be punished accordingly, and details of such punishment should be made known to all the council members within the local and state governments to serve as deterrent to others.
10.              Those known to be corrupt in the local government should be dealt with severely to forestalled future recurrence. The untouchable in the society should not be spared any from of corrupt practices be condemn totally.
Although contemporaries index of corruption in Nigeria seems to be diminishing, compared to the past more need to be done. This will revive the already bartend image of Nigeria in the eye of the international community.
        If the recommendations in this study are followed and adequately monitored, then the problems of corruption in the local government, as it relates to grassroots development would be a thing of the past. So the application is not restricted to Etsako West Local Government alone, but to all the local government in Nigeria.

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Liset, and Lenz, (2002): Corruption Culture and Market in Culture Matters Lawrence E. Harrison and Samuel P. Huntington Eds. (New York: Basic Books).
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Department of Public Admin,
Faculty of Management Science,
Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma,
P.M.B 14
Edo State

Dear Sir,
        I am a final year student of the above name institution and currently undertake a research on the topic corruption and local government administration in Nigeria.
        Attached is a questionnaire designed to elicit your view on the topic. All information being sought for in exclusively for academic purpose and as such would be treated with utmost confidentiality.
        Your maximum co-operation is highly solicited.
Yours faithfully,
Raphael Ikhiwu

Marx x in the space provided Yes and No
1.          Does corruption exist in the Nigeria society? Yes (  ) No (  )
2.          Nigeria is among the most corrupt countries in the world? Yes (  ) No (  )
3.          Corruption is rooted more in local government than other level of government? Yes (  ) No (  )
4.          Corruption have negative effect than positive effect in the local government? Yes (  ) No (  )
5.          Does corruption leads to low level of efficiency in the local government? Yes (  ) No (  )
6.          Has corruption brought about poor quality of input in the local government? Yes (  ) No (  )
7.          Corruption leads to low moral of workers in the local government? Yes (  ) No (  )
8.          Corruption wastes skills of workers in the local government? Yes (  ) No (  )
9.          Did corruption has brought about employment of unqualified people into the local government? Yes (  ) No (  )
10.      Does corruption leads to abandonment of contracts in the local government? Yes (  ) No (  )
11.      That corruption is more in the political sphere than administrative? Yes (  ) No (  )
12.      Can corruption said to be beneficial to political development? Yes (  ) No (  )
13.      Are there enabling laws to tackle corrupt practices in the local government level? Yes (  ) No (  )

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